1. What does it mean for the controller to be encrypted?
An encrypted controller is a controller that secures all communication through the controller’s data ports in an encrypted manner to ensure that the information that a generator can share is only accessed by approved parties and customer private information is maintained in as secure a manner as possible.
2. Will third-party (OmniMetrics, Power Telematics, etc...) devices still be compatible when the controller is encrypted?
Due to the encrypted nature of a controller’s communication, only Generac-approved accessories will be compatible moving forward. We can also not determine compatibility with third-party products as we do not manufacture them.
3. How do I know which controllers are encrypted?
The Information or “data tag” for a generator will include a Black or Green dot, which will indicate that the generator was manufactured and shipped with an encrypted controller.
4. Can Evo 2 controllers currently in the field be encrypted with no adverse effects?
Encryption for firmware, on Evolution 2.0 controllers started with 1.11 firmware. If for some reason the generator is still on an older version (for example older Evolution 2.0 just recently connected for the first time), it will attempt to update the firmware through WIFI (or LTE if the generator is connected to an LTE). Once encrypted, the information on that controller will be more secure, and you should not encounter any negative effects, however, it is important to note that third-party monitoring devices will no longer communicate successfully with the generator’s controller.
5. What is the process for updating the firmware?
Firmware can be updated via USB, or if an Evolution 2.0 controller, it can update remotely as long as the signal is adequate and the Wi-Fi network is stable. LTE or Wi-Fi connectivity. USB upgrade requires the insertion of a USB storage device that includes the firmware upgrade file, while Wi-Fi and LTE-connected generators will upgrade automatically, with no manual interaction required.
6. How long does it take to update the new firmware with encryption?
Upgrades via USB can take up to 20 minutes, however, Wi-Fi and LTE upgrades happen in the background with no need for waiting.
7. What happens if I do not update to the new firmware with encryption?
Failing to update generator firmware leaves a generator at risk of not receiving important updates that may be required to ensure warranty status remains valid.
8. Is there a way to allow certain devices to bypass encryption?
Only Generac-approved parties and devices will be permitted to bypass controller encryption.
9. Can I “roll back” a controller that has encryption to a firmware that did not have encryption?
You cannot roll back the firmware of a genset controller that has a black or green dot on it.
10. Do I need a specific Accessory device firmware for it to work with an encrypted controller?
Yes, the Accessory device will require a specific firmware to be compatible. This version information will be specific to the device and provided when available. There will be a special Gain span Wi-Fi module, but not a Tether Wi-Fi module.
11. Is there a specific Wi-Fi module that must be used for replacement purposes on encrypted controllers?
Yes, the Accessory device will require a specific firmware to be compatible. This version information will be specific to the device and provided when available.
12. Will the LTE and Wi-Fi/Ethernet accessories work on an encrypted controller?
Yes, as these are Generac-approved/ Generac devices
13. Why have the generator controllers been encrypted?
Controllers are being encrypted to secure all communication through the controller’s data ports and to prevent any opportunity for malicious or accidental modification to the generator configuration that could damage the unit or void warranty.
14. Will both air-cooled and liquid-cooled generators be encrypted?
Currently, only air-cooled generator evolution 2.0 (and sync 3.0) controllers will be encrypted.
15. Will a generator need to be encrypted to receive future firmware upgrades?
The generator does NOT need to be encrypted to get updates, but all future updates will result in genset and Wi-Fi/LTE devices supporting the new encryption solution.
16. Will the local wireless module work with encrypted generators?
Unfortunately, the “Three Light” Wireless Monitor accessory (6669) has been discontinued as it will no longer function on encrypted controllers.
17. Can older generators that aren’t currently encrypted still receive firmware updates?
Any generator that is capable of receiving a firmware update, will receive encryption in its next firmware update. Older models of generator which Generac no longer releases firmware updates, will not receive encryption. Older air-cooled generators and liquid-cooled can only receive updates if applicable/available via USB.
18. Will my connected generators in my fleet become encrypted when Generac pushes the new firmware to them?
Wi-Fi and cellular generators connected through FLEET will automatically receive the Encryption Firmware update when it is available. FLEET and monitoring capability through FLEET will not be impacted.
19. Will service parts controllers also be encrypted?
20. Will I still be able to replace a bad controller that is encrypted with my existing inventory of service parts?
Yes, however, any encryption-connected devices may not function until after the firmware on the controller is upgraded.
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