An important step in setting up the Mobile Link experience is connecting the generator to an available Wi-Fi Network. The Mobile Link for Generators app, which is used to monitor the status and generator settings once the generator is connected, is also the app that is used to connect the generator to an available wifi network.
Note: The following article is designed for the re-connection of generators that have been connected to WIFI successfully at least once, and that have onboard WIFI. This article is not intended for Wi-Fi/Ethernet or Cellular accessories.
To prepare the generator for the connection to a WiFi Network:
- Go to the generator, unlock and raise the cover to the generator.
- Locate the control panel located on the right side of the open generator, then press the OFF button on the control panel.
Note: This step will ensure the generator does not start or run during the WiFi connection process. The Final Steps section of this article will ensure the generator is returned to a Ready to Run state after connecting.
- Press the ESCAPE button, to access the control panel's main menu.
- Using the arrow keys on the control panel, Press the down arrow to select the WIFI or SET UP WIFI menu item, then press the ENTER button.
- The screen may display multiple options:
- If SETUP WIFI? is displayed on the control panel screen, use the arrow keys to select YES if YES is not already displayed, then press the ENTER button.
- If something other than SETUP WIFI? is displayed on the control panel, use the arrow keys to scroll until REDO WIFI SETUP? is displayed. Then, press the ENTER button and use the arrow keys to scroll until YES is displayed, and then press the ENTER button one more time.
- The generator's control panel may display SET TO AP for up to 3 minutes, then display SETUP WIFI NOW!
Note: A timer and a number beginning with MLG will alternate on-screen. This is normal. The MLG number will be referenced later in this process and it may be helpful to write down.
How do I find the WIFI MLG SSID on my control panel?
- The generator is now prepared for connection.
To re-connect a generator using the Mobile Link app:
1. Open the Mobile Link app, the Generators Dashboard should appear.
Note: If the Mobile Link for Generators App is not yet installed or has not been logged in to, please see the How do I connect my generator to a home Wi-Fi network? article.
2. Tap the Reconnect now button on the generator with a Connection Issue.
3. Tap the Connect Now button.
4. Tap the Integrated Wi-Fi option.
5. A prompt will appear request permission to enable phone location data, Tap the Enable phone location button.
4. Tap the Integrated Wi-Fi option.
5. A prompt will appear request permission to enable phone location data, Tap the Enable phone location button.
Note: This permission is required by the device to connect to a Wi-Fi network, due to the app's need to automatically identifying available networks. Without this permission, connecting the generator to Wi-Fi will not work.
6. A prompt will appear, choose the While using the app option.
7. A What does the display on your generator say? screen will appear. Select the Setup WIFI Now! option.
8. A Wait until you see a timer... screen will appear. Verify that a timer and MLGXXXXX is rotating on the generator's controller screen. If this is displayed, tap the Yes, connect now button.
9. Mobile Link will begin searching for a nearby MLG network This may take a few seconds. Please wait for the screen to proceed.
10. A prompt will appear, requesting permission to connect to a temporary network. Verify the MLG number listed on the prompt matches the MLG number shown on the controller's display, then click Connect.
11. The app will indicate when the connection to the temporary MLG network is successfully completed.
12. The app will request confirmation of the MLG network name. Verify the displayed MLG network name is correct, and tap Continue.
13. A list of available Wi-Fi networks should be displayed. Choose the Wi-Fi network name to which the generator should be connected.
Note: If a list does not automatically appear, tap the Refresh list of available networks option, and the app will rescan for available networks in the area.
14. Enter the password for the Wi-Fi network that was selected in the previous step, then press the Submit button.
Note: To ensure accuracy, the password must be entered twice. This is to validate the entered password before submitting it to the generator, as incorrect password entry can greatly increase the complexity and failure rate of connections.
15. The app may take a few additional moments to send the configuration to the generator. The Configuration sent screen will then appear. The generator has now been successfully connected to the selected Wi-Fi Network, however, it may take up to 15 minutes for information to update in the Mobile Link app. The next steps are provided, these additional steps are also described in higher detail in the Final Steps section provided below.
Final Steps
1. The generator's control panel will now display NOW CONNECTED, press the ENTER button to continue.

2. The generator's connection signal strength is displayed, verify the signal strength is acceptable then press the ENTER button.

Note: Signal strength of 30% or higher is recommended. If lower than 30% signal strength is observed, consider adding a Wi-Fi booster or Extender to your network to improve connection reliability.
3. The automatically determined Timezone information may display, verify the information to be accurate, then press the ENTER button to continue.
Note: If PLEASE SELECT HOUR is displayed, please wait a few moments. The timezone information should be displayed shortly, alternatively, date and time information can be entered manually using the arrow keys.
4. The display should return to the Main Menu. Using the arrow keys, select the SYSTEM menu item, then press the ENTER button.
5. The screen will display SWITCHED TO OFF. Press the AUTO button.

6. The generator should return to the READY TO RUN.
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