You may have some general questions regarding Ecobee. Here are some questions that have risen and the answers to those questions. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our team.
1. How do I become a certified Ecobee installer? An Ecobee Pro installer? Listed as a preferred Ecobee partner?
- Simply fill out a training request at or contact to schedule a training.
2. What Ecobee trainings are offered and how do I sign up? Is training required to install Ecobee smart thermostats?
- Simply fill out a training request at or contact to schedule a training.
3. Will the Ecobee smart thermostat automatically update its firmware, or do we manually force the updates needed?
- The thermostat firmware will be automatically updated.
4. When utility power is lost, and there is no Wi-Fi, how does that affect the use of the thermostat?
- Thermostats maintain their communication with the HVAC system but without wi-fi will not communicate with products dependent on the internet.
5. How do we know if the Ecobee smart thermostat is compatible with the homeowner's HVAC systems
- Ecobee supports most HVAC equipment however the quickest way to verify is to remove the old thermostat and confirm what wiring currently exists and then use the Ecobee compatibility checker for full confirmation. Ecobee Compatibility Checker
6. Is there a cost for the customer to have an Ecobee account associated with their Ecobee smart thermostat?
- No, Ecobee accounts are free
7. Will the generator status show up on the Ecobee app?
- Currently all status information is visible only on the thermostat, not the mobile app interface
8. For dedicated Generac partners (all we do are HSB generators), how do you manage homeowners requiring service on their HVAC system vs HSB generators? Can two different partners be listed as servicing agents on an Ecobee smart thermostat?
- At this moment the name that is shown on the thermostat is the partner name that is on the homeowner's mobile link app. If the partner is in FLEET, that name appears based on who they are associated with in FLEET or who they selected as their preferred dealer
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