Connected generators have the ability to report several values about the generator in any given message that the generator delivers. All of these data points can be helpful in understanding and resolving issues that may be occurring on a generator. As a result, FLEET provides dealers access to the latest reported values for a variety of data points on a generator. Most residential and Commercial generators have access to Signal strength, ECode information, Battery voltage data, Generator RPM, Frequency and Voltage information, Ambient temperature data, and utility voltage information.
To access generator value information:
- Begin from the Generator Status dashboard.
- Locate the generator for which the generator value information is required.
- Click the Details button located on the right side of the screen.
- The Generator Details page appears
- Scroll down to the Generator Values section.
- The Generator Values have been successfully accessed. Information on each of the available values is listed below.
Signal Strength
Signal Strength is a measure of how strong the connection exists between the connectivity device and the internet. In the case of a Wi-Fi connection, -30 is considered a really strong connection, and -80 is considered a very poor connection, anything below -70 should be considered a signal booster. Alternatively, in the case of an LTE connection, -40 is considered a really strong connection, and -140 is considered a very poor connection, anything lower than -120 should consider Wi-Fi or Ethernet alternatives.
Ecode is an Indication of the current error code present on a generator. This value will only be present when the generator is in a faulted status
Battery Voltage
Battery Voltage is an Indication of the current Battery Voltage level present on a generator.
RPM is a measurement of how fast an engine is running. RPM will only have a valid value when a generator is running.
Frequency is a measurement of a generator's frequency output. Frequency will only have a valid value when a generator is running.
Generator Voltage
Generator Voltage is a measurement of a generator's voltage output. Generator Voltage will only have a valid value when a generator is running and producing power.
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Temperature is a measurement of the temperature of the air inside the generator's enclosure.
Utility Voltage
Utility Voltage is a measurement of the voltage provided by utility power. Utility voltage does not need to be 0 for the generator to run. Utility Voltage only updates on run events and once daily.
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